
If you are thinking about finding an abortion provider in Connecticut, it is important to remember abortion is a medical procedure.

  • What type will you have?
  • What are the risks?

You deserve to have the answers to these questions and many more. Carolyn’s Place does not provide or refer for abortions, however we will provide you with the facts you need to be informed.


Each year, hundreds of women make an adoption plan for their child. You have many choices when it comes to making an adoption plan.

  • Will it be open, semi-open, or closed?
  • Will it be private or use an agency?

There are adoption plans available where you can continue to be part of your child’s life. As with any pregnancy option, making an adoption plan can sound scary. We are here to answer any questions and support you during this process.


Perhaps becoming a parent sounds overwhelming and you are filled with questions and doubts. You may be thinking things like:

  • How am I going to tell my family?
  • How will I finish school/continue working?
  • How can I afford to raise a child?
  • I don’t know how to be a parent

Every parent experiences these same concerns! We are here for you. We can help you apply for health insurance, find a doctor, and much more to ensure you have what you need throughout your pregnancy. We offer parenting programs that will teach you about your pregnancy, labor/delivery, caring for a child, and other parenting skills. These programs are free of charge. After completing the program requirements, you will receive essential items, such as a car seat, crib/bassinet, and general safety items. 

We also support you as you build a personal plan for your education, career, and life goals.

You are strong.  You are capable.
You are not alone. 

Schedule Appointment

Carolyn’s Place does not refer for or perform abortions.

Carolyn’s Place not a medical clinic.